Lake Havasu Homes for Sale

Pet Friendly in Lake Havasu

Locals and visitors really appreciate the welcome their pets receive here in Lake Havasu City. From a number of pet-friendly hotels, motels, and campgrounds to numerous outdoor activities—Havasu welcomes all of your four legged friends. Sure, we all enjoy the great outdoors and the beautiful weather, but nothing beats being able to include our canine friends. Lake Havasu has three dog parks, all geared towards the needs of your pet.

Lions Dog Park
1340 McCulloch Blvd.

Dylan’s Dog Park
7200 Dub Campbell Parkway

Avalon Park
1294 Avalon Ave.

Whether you’re headed out on the lake with your boat or paddleboard, or planning a hike, you can take your pet along. Lake Havasu is a pet-friendly city that has plenty for you and your animals to do. Whether your pets are land-lovers or enjoy playing in the lake, Havasu is the place to be!

Check out Restaurants that are Pet Friendly Here!



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