Lake Havasu Homes for Sale

The Day’s Last Light

By Gerardo Gonzalez

The last light of the setting sun can be a magical time of day in Lake Havasu, as the number of stunning sunsets are too numerous to even count. The reflection of the sun’s rays on the clouds and the lake make for a mesmerizing image. The rocky shore and low-hanging branches in the foreground give the photo a real depth. Gerardo took this photo with a Canon EOS Rebel T5 in the vicinity of Mesquite Bay.


About Gerardo


“I’ve been in Havasu since 2006, and I recently became a Realtor. I love the great sunsets in Havasu, and I spend some time looking for the right location to get that great photo. Sometimes, it is a matter of being in the right place at the right time.”


SEND US YOUR PHOTOS:  If you have an interesting or unusual photograph that was shot in or around Lake Havasu, e-mail us at [email protected], or post it on our Facebook page, and you might just be our next Photo Finish winner.

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