Lake Havasu Homes for Sale

Day Trips in Arizona – Kingman, AZ

Only one hour from Lake Havasu, Kingman usually runs ten to fifteen degrees cooler than Havasu in the summer. Average daytime summer temperature runs 95 degrees with a refreshing range in 70s during the evening.

Kingman is the closest city to the Grand Canyon Skywalk, a transparent horseshoe-shaped cantilever bridge and tourist attraction on the edge of the Grand Canyon. Kingman also serves as the gateway to the Hualapai Mountain Recreation Area where many locals head to the mountains for summer outings. Campgrounds and numerous outdoor activities await.

Kingman is the native home of Andy Devine, a famous movie cowboy that starred in many westerns. Check out all of the details at the Arizona (Powerhouse) Route 66 Museum located at

120 W. Andy Devine Ave.

Kingman, AZ 86401

Phone: 928-753-9889

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