There’s an old saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” There may be some truth to that statement, but the way most people eat apples, they may not be keeping the doctor very far away. Most people will peel an apple, then core it removing the central core and seeds—unfortunately, when you do that, you’re actually discarding the most nutritious parts of the apple. That’s why juicing is so amazing—with a good juicer (you need a quality juicer to make great juice so check out appliance reviews on Product Playoffs before buying one) you can blend the entire apple—seeds and all—getting the most out of the nutritional aspects of the apple.
Consider this, carrots are just plain good for you, but would you consider sitting down and eating, say, a pound of carrots in one sitting? Of course not. But throw them all in a juicer and before you know it, that same 1 lb. bag of carrots becomes a refreshing, nutritional drink. Another plus if you’re not a fan of green vegetables such as Kale—when you follow a recipe and combine certain greens, you can disguise the taste of something you might dislike, allowing you to receive the maximum nutritional benefits.
When considering juicing, especially using fruits and vegetables, it is always best to consider using organic produce. Sure, it can get expensive, but those fruits and veggies organically grown are certified free of many harmful pesticides in use today.
When you juice fruits or veggies, you actually allow the body to more easily absorb vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. The reality is that fresh juice that you make at home is much more nutritional than any juice you can buy in a store. The reason? The Food and Drug Administration requires most fruit drinks sold in stores to be pasteurized—and pasteurization entails heating the beverage. The temperatures required to pasteurize something are high enough that most of the nutrients are killed off in the process. Fresh juiced drinks retain all of their healthy nutrients.
Most people have diets that are high in fat and sugar content with not nearly enough of the daily-recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables. Juicing at home is a quick and easy way to reverse the trend by packing a lot of servings of fruits and vegetables in a few quick juicing recipes. Also, the consumption of fruits and vegetables in raw form are the best way to retain the most in nutrients and minerals.
If you consider replacing one or two meals a day with juicing, it can also help to regulate your weight. Plus, drinking a snack can make your stomach feel very full, cancelling the need for a snack in between meals. Along with the minerals and vitamins, juicing also helps provide antioxidants that help keep bodies cleansed of harmful toxins. A regiment of juicing will also help skin look healthier and can help with many ailments such as stomach disorders.
If you are serious about juicing you will need to invest in a quality juicing machine. There are many on the market and they range from the low to the high end of the price spectrum. Starting out with a medium grade juicer is the most economical way to go and will provide you with good results as you get started. If you become a hardcore juicer, or you have the entire family involved, you may consider a high end juicer down the road.
When you first start out, you will need to buy an ample supply of fruits and veggies. It take a lot of produce to produce a juice, so initially, it may look like you’ve purchased more than you will need—don’t worry, it will go fast. As mentioned, try to buy organic as often as you can but, if you can’t, make sure you wash everything thoroughly when you get it home.
To prepare your fruits or vegetables for juicing, cutting into manageable size pieces will help in the juicing process. All citrus should have the outer skin removed before juicing, but as mentioned before, apple cores, including seeds, are a beneficial addition. A good juicer will make short order of the seeds and you’ll never know they are in the juice.
It is a good idea, especially when starting out, to go online or to your local health food store to find simple juicing recipes. There are many time-tested juicing recipes that will give you plenty of nutrients, mineral, and vitamins while providing maximum taste. Once you get the knack of juicing, feel free to experiment by adding some of your favorites to an established recipe.
Juicing is a healthy alternative to sitting down to three square meals a day. It can also be fun for the entire family and the perfect way to start off the day.