Lake Havasu Homes for Sale

Photo Finish – A Cactus Point of View

Kalen Marshall captured this shot while hiking with a friend near the cliffs at Crystal Beach. A native of Lake Havasu, Kalen remembers the moment she captured the photo using her Nikon D80, “We were just walking back from the cliffs watching the sunset hit. Suddenly, I saw this cactus and figured that this would look cool with the sunset in the backdrop. Everything seemed so right, the color, the cactus, the mountains in the background–the moment–everything!

Kalen has loved photography since the 7th grade, “It gives me a different perspective to everyday life. I used to race motocross, and after every race I would rush and go get my camera and take pictures for my friends so I could show them how much air they got off that jump, or how great they looked pinning it in the straight away!”

When asked about her selection for Photo Finish, Kalen notes, “I love this photo for many reasons, such as the color and the cactus–primarily because it represents Arizona–but most importantly because the second I took it, I knew…this is my home.”


SEND US YOUR PHOTOS:  If you have an interesting or unusual photograph that was shot in or around Lake Havasu, e-mail us at [email protected], or post it on our Facebook page, and you might just be our next Photo Finish winner.

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