Lake Havasu Homes for Sale

Photo Finish -Lying in Wait

Susan Stoker says there is danger in Lake Havasu City. “The danger of becoming accustomed to the beauty of the lake, the desert, and the wildlife that surrounds us every day. Whether my tool is a paint brush or a camera lens, nothing makes me happier than capturing the splendor of Lake Havasu City.”
This photo of a coyote pup was taken at Contact Point on July 20th. As Susan tells it, “Temperatures hit 112 degrees as I went down to capture sunset with my Nikon D7100. I had my 75-300 mm zoom lens on the camera as I walked towards the point. She was laying in a clearing looking so majestic. I managed to snap off six frames before her momma yipped her back into the bushes and she took off like a shot.”

As for me, I manage Motor & Boat, Food, and Fuel Texaco on South Jamaica and own Life is Art Studio. I’m happily married to Jeff, and a proud mother of three daughters, one spoiled rotten dog and grandmother to three great kids. I’ve had the good fortune of having lived all over the world and am proud to call Lake Havasu City my home.

SEND US YOUR PHOTOS: If you have an interesting or unusual photograph that was shot in or around Lake Havasu, e-mail us at [email protected], or post it on our Facebook page, and you might just be our next Photo Finish winner.

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