Lake Havasu Homes for Sale

Photo Finish – Why We Live in Havasu!

If anyone ever asks you what you love about Lake Havasu, show them this picture. This photo speaks volumes, capturing all the reasons we live in Havasu; beautiful weather, sandy beaches, a beautiful lake, bike trails, fishing—and of course—those stunning sunsets that accentuate the close of another perfect day! “I shot this at Windsor 5 in Lake Havasu State Park with a Nikon D7100, 35mm lens, f/11, iso 100. I went to shoot the lighthouse at Windsor 5 when a little girl rode up to fish. She parked her bike at the picnic table right in front of the setting sun. Lucky me.”

About: Susan Stocker

           It has been my good fortune to live and work in many parts of the US and Europe. My husband Jeff and I decided to move here with our dog, Bater, from the Florida Everglades in 2015. We wanted to spend more time with our children and grandchildren. Havasu is a great place to live and play. When not working as the general manager at Motor & Boat Texaco, I can usually be found along the shoreline shooting photos for Life is Art Studio.


SEND US YOUR PHOTOS:  If you have an interesting or unusual photograph that was shot in or around Lake Havasu, e-mail us at [email protected], or post it on our Facebook page, and you might just be our next Photo Finish winner.

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