The summer season in Lake Havasu is a time to bust out the sunscreen, sport the most stylish sunglasses and spend as much time as possible on the lake and in the channel. On holiday weekends, our channel has cultivated a reputation for some less than “proper” behavior. Whatever your level of fun is, we want to fill you in on some of the do’s and don’ts of lake life, so you can enjoy yourself. There’s nothing worse than prepping for a great time on the water, only to have it interrupted by a citation, incarceration, or personal injury. We contacted LHCPD to find out how we can minimize trouble and maximize leisure. They were kind enough to offer some lake tips and rules of the Channel during Lake Havasu’s three month holiday we all call…SUMMER!

The Channel is a “no wake zone.” This means no wake, or waves, should be coming off the back of your boat or watercraft. This is so that the cruisers – or those that are cooling off – can enjoy it without the annoyance of boats rocking and a busy tide.

Next up would be that, although it’s hot and people want to enjoy an alcoholic beverage, you should have a designated driver for any watercraft. Boozing and boating is a crime, and unfortunately it leads to accidents and sometimes tragedies. Encouraging visitors to enjoy the sun, water and Channel is always the Police Department’s goal, but their objective is to see that we all do it safely.

Getting wild and spirited is part of the flow during this time of year. But regardless of how excited we get, the law discourages the temptation we’ve all had to chuck a football from our boat to a happy channel dwelling recipient.
Bottom line, any items being thrown to and from a watercraft creates distractions during congested times. Operators need to be focused on the navigation, not on whether or not your buddy caught the football flying through the air.
For visitors up and down the river, there are countless coves on the Arizona and California side where you can set up your cooler & chairs, watch boats, ski or enjoy countless recreational activities throughout the summer. Just take a little time to cruise the lake and find the right location for you. There are many choices to anchor from quiet and secluded areas, to populated hot spots to carouse.
Among the top safety precautions, we learned that flotation devices must be available on board for EVERYONE participating in the voyage. If you’re 12 AND UNDER, you must be wearing a life vest. Remember the sun is much more intense in Lake Havasu than other places in the U.S. Keep hydrated. No matter how good you may feel, the sun robs you of essential nutrients and fluids. Wear hats and sun block as often as possible, and always try to stay cool.
Please party smart Channel dwellers!